Thursday, August 23, 2007

What's a "Blount County Ben-Yea"?

It used to be that the only time you could get these country delicacies was at the annual Campbell-Burns family reunion. For years, we've been content to keep them to ourselves and eat every one of them! They're a little like doughnuts, deep-fried and dusted with powdered sugar or sweetened with honey. They're so good, we thought you might like some, too. Something this wonderful, you just can't keep to yourself. Think of them as our gift to the world.
Here's a picture of Suzanne sharing a plate of Ben-Yeas with some kinfolk. Save some room for dessert, because you don't want to miss out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's a "Blount County Ben-Yea" you ask... they're little drops of heaven!